Mondulkiri is an eastern province of Cambodia, which is the most sparsely populated province in the whole country although being the largest province in Cambodia. The province is chock full of natural beauty, with thickly forested mountains, powerful waterfalls and the lush green rolling hills of the western side. Despite the growing deforestation, especially due to the valuable minerals remaining in the deep red, fertile ground, Mondulkiri has still one of the biggest successional woodlands of Cambodia. Except being in Sen Monorom, you’ll find deep pure jungle, with a huge variety of flora and fauna. You may also find gigantic and beautiful waterfalls, where you can take an empowering shower, such as the impressive Bou Sraa.
Sen Monorom is the provincial capital and doesn’t show up as a typical Cambodian town, while it is the only town the province has to speak of. With approx. 7500 inhabitants, 20 guesthouses, 12 restaurants, 3 bars and no post office it is often compared to American Wild West frontier towns. Concerning the quietness and beauty of Sen Monorom people from other parts of the country move here and therefore the land price doubled from 2006 to 2007. |
Also interesting is the variety of languages being used: Khmer, hill tribe languages, Vietnamese and Lao. 80 percent of the population in Mondulkiri is made up of ten tribal minorities, with the majority of them being the Chunchiet from the tribe of the Phnong. The remaining 20 percent are Khmer, Chinese and Muslim Cham. Most of the population lives off the land, planting rice, fruit trees and a variety of vegetables. Others grow, coffee, strawberries, rubber and cashew nuts. More and more houses are built in the typical Khmer style. Visiting the hill tribes you still can find the traditional Phnong houses. In the houses you can find traditional gongs and big jars, whereby the last ones are said to be more than a thousand years old. There are various sorts of gongs used for different occasions. Jars and gongs are among the most valuable possessions in an indigenous community, whether in traditional, spiritual or material terms. During the Khmer Rouge Regime those objects were buried in hidden places in the jungle and in many cases they still wait in the ground.
Boo Sra Waterfall:
Locates at Pich Chinda District in 43 kilometer distance from the provincial town by red soil road. Boo Sra is the most beautiful waterfall in Modulkiri and shared into three stages:
-First stage: The waterfall has 15-meter diameter and 15-meter to 20-meter height in rainy season, and 20-meter diameter and 18-meter to 25-meter height in dry season. The second stage of waterfall has 150-meter distance from the first stage.
-Second stage: The waterfall has 23-meter diameter and 15-meter to 20-meter height in rainy season, and 20-meter diameter and 18-meter to 25-meter height in dry season. The second stage of waterfall has 150-meter distance from the first stage.
-Third stage: The waterfall has stronger speed than the second stage. This stage can not be reached because it locates in the thick forest, lacks of transporting mean and is dangerous due to having fierce-wild animals.
Sen Monorum Waterfall: |
Rum Near Waterfall: |
The waterfall surrounded by the plantation of Sro Lou and there is a big and brandy tree of Chrey. The Provicail Tourist office in cooperation with the territorial authority has arranged this waterfall spot as the tourist site instead of Boo Sra waterfall that unable to be accessible during the rainy season.
Locates at Koh Nhek District in 150-kilometer distance from the provincial town. The riverside has red and golden colored sand, and stretches along the Sre Pork River mixing with many small islands. The riverside is the leisure place for the local people of Koh Nhek District.
Plantation of Pinetrees:
Located at Sen Monorum District in six-kilometer distance from the provincial town by the National Road No 14. The plantation of pine trees located on the highland, which there are many pine trees remain since 1970 and growing on line, these pine trees have the same height. The ground covered by a lot of lollen leaves. It look like the golden colored carpet. Tourists can enjoy and rest on it without matting. The history said that, these pine trees were planted before the Sang Kum Reas Ni Yum time.